There was a time in my social media life, where I sent out multiple friend requests to people I’d never met before and to those i longed to connect back to, and those with fine faces that caught my attention. But that was way way back, like pre — university back. Fast forward a bit to Twitter’s rapid growth, and the advent of Instagram, with the concept of follows and followers, added to the fact that I wasn’t on Twitter for quite a long while. Gradually, people started flooding my Facebook feed with Instagram photos filled with various weird hash tags, each with the #followback or #ifollowback hash tag. And it got annoying, pretty fast.
Normally, you’d expect this to be the sort of write — up where I start giving some cliche reasons for not being a team follow back guy, like checking what value the person I’m meant to follow adds to me and all that. But I’m not that kind of guy. No. My reasons are a tad different. To start with, I’m usually conscious of the kind of content I’d like flooding my feeds across all social media platforms. So, I’d normally take my time to go through your timeline before I eventually accept your friend request or follow back. I’m not usually looking for ‘value’ in your posts. Nope. Basically, i’m just looking for stuff that I can enjoy when I’m online.
I don’t like spammers. If I go through your timeline, and I notice that you’re a ‘brand promoter’, fogerrit, that follow back is never gonna happen. Same goes for bloggers that post updates on entertainment or anything every 10 minutes. I mean, I sometimes consider my once a week blog post on Twitter too much at times, and your want to flood my timeline with 5–6 of them every single hour? Addio amico mio.
Still haven’t seen the reason to beg people to follow back. If you have good enough content, people will flock around you. If you don’t, the only reason they’d do so would be to do you a favor, after which, they’d mute you or hide your posts. But I don’t have that energy to follow you or accept a friend request, only to mute you or hide your posts from my timeline.That’s way too many unnecessary clicks. Ain’t got time for that kind of stuff. If you want me to follow you, have good content. Not asking for much.